~ MonsterBot ~

I have set up MonsterBot and you may use him as follows:

Where ever I have used brackets <,>,{,} you need to type one of the choices inside them but NOT the brackets themselves!

(1) To find out if a boss is alive or how long until it regenerates type the following: /monsterbot @home <monster>

(2) To add evil points to your character type the following: /monsterbot @addevil <5, 10, 15, 20, 40, 60>

**Use the @addevil command at your own risk, I will not rectify any incorrect uses of this on your behalf**

(3) To find out your current evil points & in realm location, type the following: /p monsterbot @myevilpoints & you must be in Broadcast Channel 255 (join 255) to have this command work properly, but PLEASE LEAVE the channel when finished!!

(4) If you need to check where your up to in a particular quest use THIS page and the command /monsterbot @quest  and simply check your flags against the info on that page to see what you've done.

(5) If you need my email address or IM ID's just gossip it and I shall speak :)........ gossip aim, email, msn, icq etc

(6) If you want to know the time and date in my time zone: /monsterbot @time

(7) Fire a playful Lightning Bolt across gossip at anyone/anything :)..... /monsterbot @light {object/person/animal} {dmg}

(8) To challenge someone to a duel with a sharp slap across the face......... /monsterbot @duel {user/person}

(9) If you ask him a question requiring a yes/no answer via gossip ending in a "??" he will answer you, Magic 8-Ball Style ;)

(10) Or maybe you just have to slap the sense into someone :)..... /monsterbot @bitch {user/thing} {reason}

(11) Spank that bad man!......... /monsterbot @spank {user/person}

(12) A group hug is needed once in a while......... /monsterbot @grouphug

(13) Poke someone for fun......... /monster @poke {user/person}

(14) Do you dare pull someone's finger?!?......... /monster @pull {user/person}

(15) If you just need to tell the world what your doing.......... /monster @masturbate

(16) For the female persuasion now you can tell the world who's monkey your spanking :)... /monster @grab <person's name>